Leaving Certificate Music

The syllabus for the Leaving Cert laid down by The Department of Education is covered in a ninety-minute class each week. The course is presented by Tony Doherty,  a fully qualified secondary school teacher and highly experienced state examiner.

The Leaving Certificate Syllabus is delivered over 2 years. we are proud to report that we have had exceptional results on a consistent basis over many years. For many, the Leaving Certificate Music programme is seen as an extra subject and we endeavour to ensure that each student is prepared properly for both the written and practical elements.  Without question, the Junior and Leaving Certificate programmes delivered in Artane are of the highest standard and perhaps the highest standard in the country.

Classes are delivered:

6th years  Wednesday:- 6:00pm – 7:30pm

5th years  Wednesday:- 7:30pm – 9:00pm

Please contact the office at 01-8318929 or info@artanemusic.ie

Junior and Leaving Certificate Music