The Artane Senior Band


The Artane Senior Band was formed in 1988 to  provide opportunities for past members of the Artane Boys Band to meet and continue to play together in a formal capacity. Two years previously, past pupils of the Artane Boys Band had been invited to play at the centenary celebrations of the bands association with the GAA.  This had been a tremendous success with over 300 musicians taking to the field in Croke Park. It also provided the catalyst for a reunion of players which would become highly recognised and respected orchestra in its own right.



A committee was formed and the Artane Senior Band soon became a reality. The first rehearsals took place in October 1988 for a trial period of three months. In April 1989, the newly named Artane Senior Band formally hosted their first concert at the Artane complex, to a packed house! In 1991 the band travelled to Glasgow and Celtic park for a very special football match- Packie Bonners testimonial. In 1992 the senior band played a major part at a celebratory concert in the National Concert Hall to mark the 120th anniversary of the Artane Band and went from strength to strength under the talented baton of Joe Lynch. Unfortunately on November 17th, 2011, Joe passed away suddenly. Everyone associated with Artane and the Senior Band in particular, mourned the sudden loss of a monumental character, a talented conductor, arranger and Director of Music.

Twenty six years later the Artane Senior Band still rehearses every Tuesday night and regularly plays at concerts, festivals and events all over the country.  It has become, and remains, a hugely successful venture, and has surpassed every expectation of the original proposers. The band now sees graduates of the Artane School of Music among its members and is firmly established as a premier concert and marching band of the highest calibre.

The band is currently under the baton of our Director of Music, Mr Ronan O’Reilly.


The band rehearses every Tuesday night and is open to all graduates of the Artane School of Music or to any brass, percussion and woodwind players who meet the entry requirements.


If you would like to know more about admission to the Artane Senior Band please contact the School Office 01-8318929 or 

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