
Child Protection 

It is the policy of the Artane School of Music to safeguard the welfare of all the children and young people who are in membership of our School or who attend our events by protecting them from all forms of discernible harm. We are also committed to providing a positive and enlightened environment to facilitate the best possible educational outcome for participants in our school. The welfare of the child/ young person under our care is paramount. The Artane School of Music will adhere to statutory guidance and legislation in the fulfillment of our roles and responsibilities for young people including Children First: National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children.

Child Welfare and Safeguarding Policy (Updated March 2020)

Should you require any further information please contact our Designated Liaison Person Tony Doherty​ at artanemusicchildprotection@gmail.com

Policy developers  Gearóid Ó Maoilmhichíl & Tony Doherty

Ensemble Policies 

Artane Band Code of Behaviour

Artane Senior Band Code of Behaviour

Artane Community Choir Code of Behaviour

Artane Junior Choir Code of Behaviour

Social Media Policy

The Artane School of Music in its role as a centre of excellence in education has developed this policy as set of standards for all associated with the School, to govern the use of social media in a responsible and mature way. With the growing use of social media and the adoption of social media in the Artane School of Music, it is essential that there are clear rules and standards to guide administrators and contributors for appropriate use of our social media applications.

SocialMedia Policy 2015

Policy Developers:  Communications and Marketing Committee

Social Media Queries

Social Media Administrator

Mark Bagnell Chair Communications Committee Communications@artanemusic.ie

Artane School of Music Financial Governance

The Artane School of Music produce audited financial statements annually. Statements are prepared in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice: Accounting and Reporting by Charities preparing their accounts in accordance with the Financial Reporting standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland (FRS 102) and the Charities Act 2009.

Artane School of Music Strategic Plan 2013-16

The Strategic planning  document guiding our development through to 2016. Developed in consultation with all stakeholders-Members, Parents, Faculty and Trustees the plan is a vital roadmap for the sustainable future of the School of Music. Artane Plan 2013-16